Charitable Partners

Air Ambulance
You may be aware that we have a special relationship with the East Anglian Air Ambulance and are proud to support their cause.
We have various events planned to raise more money for this vital service. These guys save lives, and as a charity need support to pay for the remarkable work they do for the public.
We have also made a commitment to use the rear doors of 25 of our latest trailers to produce an advert to raise the profile of the charity and raise money, which we are committed to carrying on.
We realise you may be asked to support various charities, but if anyone would like to make a donation to our fund raising please see our just giving link below and feel free to support no matter how small the donation!!
Anyone who would like to make a donation can here :- https://www.justgiving.com/Kersey-Freight/

Future Stars
Futurestars is an exciting education-through-sports programme that offers weekly sports coaching sessions, run by qualified coaches, to underprivileged children in Tema, Ghana, and Lomé, Togo.
4,000 children each week benefit from free coaching in football, netball, athletics and PE as well as the relevant sports kit and equipment and all five partner schools in Tema, report increased attendance and pupil engagement.
Futurestars also funds a much-needed refurbishment programme at the five partner schools in Ghana.
We are proud to support Futurestars Charity and help raise more awareness across the UK on the rear doors of 5 of our new SDC Trailers. Fantastic work that deserves recognition, please check out the website www.futurestarscharity.org.uk to find out more!

Hadleigh United FC